(Duplicate of email update)
Hello all,
Thank you again for your prayers, emails of support, and phone call hugs. It's been another eventful day with lots of official visitors this morning (i.e. lactation consultant, social worker, medical records lady, doctors and nurses). At noon, we got the call they were ready to take Jacob to surgery, so we rushed down to the NICU to send him on his way. After waiting for another 45 minutes, they were not ready for him afterall. So we came back, had some lunch, and started the whole process over again about 2:30pm.
He was back in the NICU by 4:45, being supported by a breathing machine and some pain medicine, but he is otherwise doing well. The surgeon (who was very busy today) reported that everything went very well. He should be off the breathing machine soon and will hopefully be off the pain medicine by tomorrow as well. After talking with the NICU doctor, we learned that Jacob will likely stay in the hospital over the weekend for observation and some more tests early next week. If he does well, he may get moved to the intermediate care nursery instead of staying in critical care. I will likely be discharged tomorrow or Friday, but we may elect to stay at the hospital to be closer to Jacob.
We would love to see visitors tomorrow during the daytime, but for shorter visits so we can get some rest in between. Know that not everyone can go down to the NICU to see Jacob in person, but we have a lot of pictures on the laptop in my room. We are at Tacoma General Hospital in room 304. You can call 253-403-1000 to get connected to our room as well.
Thanks again! Here are a couple of pictures of Jacob this morning before his surgery. And thanks to our friend Nicole for sending out intermittent updates on our behalf. :)
Annie & Matt
thanks to God for this beautiful child and his loving and blessed parents. Welcome little Jacob, I look forward to holding and cuddling you. "Auntie" Lexy