Today was much less eventful for all of us, thank goodness. We had some visitors, but overall, spent the day resting and getting comfortable.
Jacob had his breathing tube removed overnight and continues to breath strongly on his own. He has a mesh bandage on his head to protect the dressings and one on his belly, which will be removed on Saturday. The other big news today is they have started him on oral feedings. The more he takes oral feeds, the less he needs of the IV feedings. So Matt and I each got to give him a bottle today, while holding him in our arms. For me, that's really the first time I felt like a mom, being able to hold my baby and feed him. Yay! He was so comfortable that he fell asleep before taking much of the bottle, so we'll have to work on that.
So the next few days, it's important for him to keep eating. I have been pumping, but have not produced any milk yet, but that's normal at this stage. Our prayers are for food then--for Jacob to eat and for me to make something for him to eat.
I will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, but Jacob will stay in over the weekend at least. Matt & I will probably go home, but spend a lot of our time at the hospital to be available for diaper changes, feedings, etc.
Thank you for your prayers, well wishes, and support. Knowing that so many people are caring for us, near and far, is amazing. We are so grateful for you all.
Hey Annie and Matt, congratulations on being parents. He's gorgeous and what an exciting time you'll have! You are all in my prayers for food and so much more.
Welcome, Jacob, and congratulations Mom & Dad! What a beautiful baby, and so lucky to have such wonderful parents. Thinking of you, praying for you - our love to you all. Nina & Steve
ReplyDeleteOh, he's giving you the eye, Annie. So nice to see him free of tubes. What a little cutie.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Annie and Matt on the arrival of precious little Jacob. What a beautiful baby boy! We are thinking about with you with love and prayers.
ReplyDeleteJan and Bob