Monday, April 5, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Hello again friends,
I'm sure that's not the first time a parent has said those words! I'm sorry it's been so long since our last post. I guess there hasn't really been much more news, but we can keep you updated on what's set for the next 5 weeks. Wow, only 5 weeks until the big day!

In the last 4 weeks, we've had 2 OB appointments, just had another ultrasound today, met with a pediatrician, started our birthing classes, and had 2 baby showers. So you can see we've been a little busy.

At our ultrasound today, we got some good news, for once. While his head is still growing proportionally bigger than his body, the hydrocephalus appears stable. And they could see some development of the gray & white matter of the brain (where the smarts are), which the doctors said is a good sign for his condition. We still won't know what degree of developmental delay he might have, but this is still a good sign for him. We'll take it! He's still moving around lots too, although I'm sure he's beginning to run out of room.

In the remaining 5 weeks, we'll continue with regular OB appointments and have one more ultrasound at 37 weeks to see if there's any reason it would be safe to deliver early. At this point though, it's better for him to stay in there as long as he can.

So our prayers now are for God to bless this plan for delivery on May 10th and for no early labor. And also to get as much rest as we can in these last few weeks, which is getting more and more difficult for Annie because it's just uncomfortable.

While we don't respond to all your comments, we do appreciate every single one of your thoughts and prayers for us and our baby. It has been an amazing comfort to know of the support network out there. Bless you!

We'll try for a couple of more posts before the baby comes and surely let you know when everything turns out ok on May 10th. We have decided on a name, but that's still a secret until Baby Boy Lambert announces himself with first born cries.

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